Xcode On Catalina

I was using Xcode 11 (dmg downloaded from developer account extra files section) on mac os 10.14.6. Today i updated my Mac os to 10.15 catalina to use xcode 11 canvas view but the issue is after updating to mac os 10.15 Catalina i am unable to open xcode.

Start with sharing how much available storage remains on your boot drive. Click Macintosh HD on your Desktop, and then press option+command+i to open a Get Info panel. What does Available show for the amount?


With the Catalina upgrade, my Xcode did not automatically update to 11.1. The App Store kept trying to update Xcode each night through automatic updates. On its own, it never succeeded. Once it reported it could not download Xcode: Unable to Download App. 'Xcode' could not be installed. Please try again later. Xcode up to 12.4 will run on Catalina. Xcode 12.5 (when released any day now) and higher will require Big Sur. This is in the release notes for 12.5.

Xcode may be an 8GB download, but its installation requires double-digit final storage, plus any temporary storage that it takes during the installation process. I would not attempt it with less than 20 GB of available storage. Ideally more.

I just removed Xcode 11.3.1 from a Mojave 10.14.6 system and it freed up 27GB of storage after emptying the Trash.

May 11, 2020 7:50 AM

Xcode On Macos Catalina

I have a Mac running Catalina. It is almost new and I did not migrate anything from the old Mac, so should be a very clean install.

I installed Xcode 11 from the App Store. All fine.

Yesterday it wanted to update to Xcode 11.1. But the update took a long time and then failed. Try again later. I did. Same. The App Store UI gives you no clue what is not working.

I ran the Console app to check the log. Install failed “The package is attempting to install content to the system volume.”

Install Xcode 12.5 On Catalina

Annoying. Suggested fix is to download the DMG. Another idea is to uninstall and then reinstall from the App Store. I like having it App Store managed so I did the latter and it worked.

Download Xcode On Catalina

Together with Gimp permission problems it looks like permission issues in Catalina are a considerable annoyance. Which is OK if security is better as a result; but that does not excuse this kind of arbitrary behaviour.